What are Different Types of CBD?

People often use the term CBD interchangeably for almost every CBD-based product. It is a misleading approach as different CBD products might contain different types of CBD. Furthermore, the effects of each of these types vary considerably since the Cannabinoids' profile of them is different.

Thus, this article will compare these, and we will get to know all that we need to know about Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum vs CBD Isolate.

Yes, you read it right. Three primary types of CBD determine the result. They are:

  • Full-spectrum CBD
  • Broad-spectrum CBD
  • CBD Isolate

It is the choice of extraction technique that induces these variations. Different products can be made by using Full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. The products will have slightly different effects.

Nature has sprinkled various Cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and spinal cord. That's where the Cannabinoids bind to bring up the effects ultimately. These receptors regulate various body functions. Although the binding of CBD is not direct, it regulates these receptors in some way.

What is Full-Spectrum CBD?

Full-spectrum CBD comes with all the benefits that the hemp plant can offer. CBD can be a complicated thing to deal with because it comes with traces of all the contents of the hemp plant when extracted initially. Let's break down those hemp contents to see what each of them offers.


The presence of more than 250 terpenes in the Cannabis plant is astonishing. Besides affecting the smell of the plant and its components, Terpenes are responsible for giving the character of the plant CBD products that contain a hit of terpenes make these products even more effective.

A number of terpenes are used in different CBD products. Menthol, d-limonene, and pinene are commonly used terpenes; each gives a distinct profile to CBD products.


Flavonoids, being around 20 in a Cannabis plant, are fewer in number. These naturally occurring compounds may do wonders by keeping the body in balance and ensuring general wellbeing.


Let's discuss the essential component of the Cannabis plant, i.e., Cannabinoids. Cannabis plant houses around 140 Cannabinoids as per reports, the most abundant ones being CBD and THC.

Now we know about all the main components of the Cannabis plant, so it will be convenient to discuss the different types of CBD.

Right now, our topic of focus is Full-spectrum CBD oil. Full-spectrum CBD is recognized by the presence of all of these hemp plant ingredients that include THC. Some sites and research articles might call it "whole pant CBD" also.

Why Use Full-Spectrum CBD:

Full-spectrum CBD is the number one choice for many as it offers potent effects. Extraction of full spectrum CBD is carried out through industrial hemp containing 0.3% or less THC, a federally legal limit.

This brings us down to a question, "Does CBD get us high" to which the answer is NO! This low amount of THC in any CBD product does not get you high. Instead, THC, in combination with other cannabinoids, makes a better full spectrum extract that is even better for your body.

No doubt, full-spectrum is one of the best forms of CBD.

Full-Spectrum CBD Benefits:

One of the most dedicated outcomes that we get best from the Full-spectrum CBD only is the entourage effect. Researchers believe that the effect of CBD becomes much more substantial and potent when we combine it with other Cannabinoids and Cannabis components. That more significant effect is what we call an entourage effect. Its primary stimulus is THC, which is why the Full-spectrum CBD can be held accountable for the entourage effect.

The other benefits of Full-spectrum CBD are much potent than pure CBD because of the presence and effects of other Cannabinoids. These benefits are as follows:

  • Full-spectrum CBD contains all naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids of the hemp plant.
  • The presence of THC and other cannabinoids allows full-spectrum products to offer a complete entourage effect.
  • Full-spectrum CBD supports the endocannabinoid system to regulate the essential functions of the body.
  • Since THC is present only in trace amounts, full-spectrum products are completely safe and do not cause the 'high.'
  • Almost all the compounds of hemp plants, including plant proteins, vitamins, and minerals, are a part of full-spectrum CBD as it is prepared through full plant extraction, and it does not go through much processing.

We will understand the difference to its other forms after discussing the whole “Full Spectrum CBD vs Broad Spectrum CBD vs CBD isolate” and their benefits.

What is Broad-Spectrum CBD?

As the name indicates, Broad-spectrum CBD contains a broad range of Cannabis contents discussed above. However, it differs from Full-spectrum CBD as it doesn't entertain even a small amount of THC.

THC is an abundantly found Cannabinoid in the Cannabis plant that is missing from Broad-spectrum CBD. Other than that, all other compounds like Flavonoids, terpenes (i.e., myrcene, pinene, etc.), and other Cannabinoids (i.e., CBCA, CBG, CBN, etc.) can be the components of Broad-spectrum CBD.

Why Use Broad-Spectrum CBD?

THC is present in trace amounts in Full-spectrum CBD. However, it does not causes the 'high.' Some people preferably want to avoid THC in the products they use. For them, Broad-spectrum CBD is the best option. This way, you can relish all the benefits of CBD without THC components.

Broad Spectrum CBD Benefits:

The "entourage effect" is the main benefit of Broad-spectrum CBD oil, although it is not as strong as we get from Full-spectrum CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD also makes way to enjoy the potential benefits of terpenes, Flavonoids, and other Cannabinoids without the interference of THC.

  • Terpenes, flavonoids, and other naturally occurring cannabinoids of hemp plants are included in broad spectrum CBD.
  • THC in broad-spectrum CBD is reduced to the level where it cannot be detected. This makes it safe to say there is no THC in broad-spectrum CBD.
  • Some natural compounds of the hemp plant are present in broad spectrum CBD that promotes entourage effects. Hence, it is appropriate for those who want to avoid THC altogether but want a little entourage effect at the same time.
  • It is beneficial in supporting the endocannabinoid system, which maintains the vital functions of the body.
  • Includes a broad range of cannabinoids and flavonoids that ensure the wellbeing of a person.
  • Broad-spectrum offers so many benefits of the hemp plant, but without THC.

What is CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate is a pure form containing no compound other than Cannabidiol that we commonly call CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD and Broad-spectrum CBD are a bit comparable because of the presence of similar terpenes and Flavonoids. However, CBD isolate differs the most from all different types as it contains nothing other than CBD.

Being 99% pure CBD, it comes in powdered and crystallized forms. The production of CBD isolate might require several cycles of extraction and filtration to rip off all the compounds from CBD completely. After the prior extraction and filtration, we get CBD to isolate in crystallized form. Later on, we grind all these crystals to make the powder that is easy to consume.

Since it does not contain any more compounds, CBD isolate comes without any taste, smell, or color most of the time. You can also keep this aspect in mind to prevent yourself from the impure CBD isolate.

Why Use CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate, being the purest CBD form, is the right choice for those who want to try CBD products and test the effects of CBD on themselves without the interference of any other compound. Later on, you can proceed to other CBD forms containing different supporting compounds.

CBD Isolate Benefits:

While using CBD isolate, we know that no other Cannabinoid is responsible for the effects that appear. This helps determine exactly how CBD reacts to your body and what benefits it can cause. This is one reason why some people start their CBD journey with CBD isolate.

  • Being the purest form of CBD, CBD isolate comes without any taste, smell, or color. Often used in balms and salves.
  • CBD isolate is a perfect option for people who want to test the effects of CBD on their bodies.
  • Hemp-derived CBD isolate is free of all the cannabinoids other than CBD.
  • CBD Isolate also has wellness potential for all genders and adults above 18.

Though CBD isolate does not offer an entourage effect, it might be the right option for many people since everyone's bodies react differently to CBD.

For example, it influences 5-HTP that stimulates the release of Serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that drives our mood and temper. It tells much of how CBD influences our body functions. Although CBD isolate offers almost all the other CBD types' benefits, they are not very potent. Since CBD is the only active ingredient in CBD isolate, it might not prove effective for many people.

Remember that even the products that mention "THC-free" sometimes contain small amounts of THC, which can be recognized easily.

Which Cannabinoid Spectrum Should You Use?

Although each of the three CBD types has its pros and cons, at the end of the day, it is your body system that determines which CBD types will suit you the best. We have to dive in to see what each CBD form has to offer.

Let us break down each type according to its pros and cons to understand better the classes that will work best for us.

Pros and Cons of Full Spectrum CBD:

We have already discussed the contents of Full spectrum CBD that include minor Cannabinoids and major Cannabinoids, terpenes, and various Flavonoids. Here are the pros and cons of full-spectrum CBD.

  • Full spectrum CBD comes with the exclusive benefits of the Cannabis plant that we often denote as "entourage effect." It accounts for enhanced effects of Cannabis components, as we have discussed earlier.
  • Full-spectrum CBD is rich in cannabinoids and is very potent.
  • The nutrients profile of Full spectrum CBD is very rich.
  • Full spectrum CBD is obtained through full plant extraction and is the least processed form of CBD.
  • Since full spectrum CBD is potent, it may not be tolerable by some people.
  • Full spectrum CBD contains trace amount of THC, which some people do not want to consume.
  • In rare cases, it may show up on a drug screening

Pros and Cons of Broad spectrum CBD:

Broad spectrum CBD, as we know, contains a wide array of cannabinoids and other compounds, but THC is what it doesn't entertain. Hence these aspects elicit some pros and cons in this compound that are as follows.

  • It also elicits the Entourage effect, but it might be slightly low-grade compared to Full spectrum CBD because of the absence of THC.
  • It offers almost all the benefits of full-spectrum CBD.
  • Broad spectrum CBD is less processed than CBD Isolate
  • Scientists have not studied the Broad spectrum as much as they have researched Full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD offers a light entourage effect only.
  • It has lower potency of other cannabinoids

Pros and Cons of CBD Isolate:

CBD isolate doesn’t contain additional Cannabinoids or other Cannabis compounds. It is pure CBD that has various pros and cons.

  • With CBD isolate, you get CBD in its purest form.
  • It offers zero THC.
  • One can add it in edibles since it does not have an irritating taste.
  • It provides high CBD potency.
  • CBD effect can be evaluated easily as there is no other cannabinoid.
  • CBD isolate offers nothing but CBD. Thus one can't get entourage effect while consuming CBD isolate.

CBD Oil Uses and Scientific Evidence:

Scientists have performed so many experiments to explain the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids. So much information with proof concerning CBD is already available on the internet. However, as a producer, we are not allowed to make any medical claims about these compounds.

No matter which type of CBD oil is under your consumption, there are certain benefits that you may experience. They are as follows:

  • When CBD enters the body and binds to the endocannabinoid system, it helps the ECS regulate vital body functions.
  • Intake of CBD oil also may help achieve the homeostasis.
  • The bioavailability of CBD oil is very high. The body more readily absorbs CBD oils than any other form of CBD.

Final Thoughts: What are the differences between Full Spectrum CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD, and CBD Isolate?

This article seems to have put a full stop to the "Full spectrum vs Broad spectrum vs CBD isolate" debate. We know that if we want an entourage effect, buying full-spectrum CBD products should be our goal. If our concern is no THC, but we long for a bit of entourage effect, Broad-spectrum CBD will be the right pick.

If one wants to stay away from minor additional Cannabinoids while taking CBD, CBD isolate is the perfect option! Each type has its pros and drawbacks that we have already discussed. No doubt, CBD is a versatile compound with so many potential benefits to support general wellbeing.


    • https://deltaseparations.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-cannabis-oil-extraction/cannabis-hemp-extraction-methods/
    • https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2016.00294/full
    • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-are-terpenes
    • https://www.institut-icanna.com/en/cannabinoids.html
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7281216/
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocannabinoid_system#:~:text=The%20endocannabinoid %20system%20(ECS)%20is,system%20(including%20the%20brain)%20and
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7340472/
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7324885/
    • https://www.nitechsolutions.co.uk/market-sectors/cbd-crystallization/cbd-isolate-crystallization-faq/
    • https://www.hormone.org/your-health-and-hormones/glands-and-hormones-a-to-z/hormones/serotonin#:~:text=Serotonin%20is%20the%20key%20hormone,sleeping%2C%20eating%2C%20and%20digestion.
    • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2586261/