CBD products are common worldwide due to their potential health benefits. For this reason, the cannabis industry is growing day by day. While people are influenced by the benefits it gives, at the same time, they are concerned if CBD shows up on drug tests or not.
To answer this question, it is important to understand which forms of CBD exists, their components and from where they are derived. In fact, CBD derived from industrial hemp contains a THC concentration of less than .3%, which is a federally legal limit. When CBD is derived from marijuana plants THC will be present in much higher amounts depending on the plant. There are three major forms of CBD with one of them containing trace amounts of THC. They are:
1. Full-Spectrum CBD
Full-spectrum CBD retains all the natural cannabinoids (including trace amounts of THC), terpenes and flavonoids of the hemp plant. The presence of THC (less than .3%) and other cannabinoids allows full-spectrum products to offer a complete entourage effect.
At KENJI, we use modern technology to extract CBD from industrial hemp to produce high-quality CBD products for our customers. During the manufacturing process, our products undergo lab tests three times to ensure purity and quality. Providing pure and effective products is our duty. Our CBD production is carried out in GMP-certified facilities.
2. Broad-Spectrum CBD
Broad-spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids except THC. These products are suitable for those who want to avoid THC in their supplements. However, broad-spectrum is not widely available and it is usually sold in the form of oil.
3. CBD Isolate
CBD isolate is Pure CBD. It is free of any additional cannabinoids. If obtained from the hemp plant, it contains zero THC. CBD isolate is available both in the form of powder and oil.
It is necessary to understand the intricate details of CBD drug testing especially if you are consuming CBD products. Let us see how CBD drug testing work.
CBD and Drug Testing
How Does Drug Testing For Cannabis Work?
Drug testing is carried out through urine most of the time. In some cases, it is conducted by collecting samples of hair or saliva. The test can detect a number of drugs at a time. In order to detect the amount of a specific drug, further tests are carried out. Urine testing is common for detecting drugs at workplaces and health units.
Commonly drug tests concentrate on these substances:
- Alcohol
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Opiates
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamines
- Nicotine
- Benzodiazepines
Does CBD show up on drug tests?
CBD is usually not detected in regular urine test. However, it may sometimes trigger the drug test positive. Got puzzled? Here is how it works.
CBD does not show up on a drug test. Instead, it is THC that can appear on drug tests when it is present in considerable amounts. As we know some forms of hemp derived CBD products - such as Full Spectrum CBD - contain trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3%). It should not trigger positive result when taken as directed.
However, products with a higher concentration of THC will show up positive on a drug test. That’s why it is crucial that you read the label and buy lab tested CBD products from a reliable source. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is an active ingredient in the cannabis plant that can produce a euphoric effect if consumed in a high dose.
CBD does not intoxicate a person as it is a legal substance as long as it is derived from the hemp plant. Since hemp derived CBD products would always have a THC concentration below 0.3%, there should be no risk of THC showing up on drug tests when taken as directed. Hemp obtained CBD is low in THC, it is considered legal. However, if you still consume heavy doses of THC-containing CBD products on a daily basis, it is likely to appear in drug tests. Nevertheless, adequate consumption of CBD should make you pass a drug test without any issue.
To trigger the drug test positive, there is a detection window and set-off value for the testing samples.
THC amount detected in drug tests
The detection window is different for different testing samples. Similarly, their cut-off values are also different. If you consume full-spectrum CBD and still pass the THC drug test, it does not mean there is no THC content in your body. Instead, it is an indication that the THC in your body is below the cut-off value.
Let us see how much concentration of THC can trigger a positive result in different samples.
Sample | Cut-off Limit | Detection Window |
Hair | 1 pg/mg | Up to 90 days |
Urine | 50 ng/mL | 3 to 15 days |
Blood | 1, 2, or 5 ng/mL | 7 days |
Saliva | 4 ng/mL | Around 72 hours |
The estimated detection window for THC in hair is up to 90 days. Though THC can stay in your hair for as long as one year. It is not common to detect THC from a hair sample, and there are no cut-off limits for THC in hair.
Hair test for THC is not reliable since only being around cannabis can make you test positive as it can easily land on your hair. Even if you did not inhale any cannabinoid, being in the environment where THC is inhaled can trigger a positive result.
Therefore, there is a standard set by private industry, which is one picogram per milligram commonly represented as (pg/mg).
THC does not stay longer in the bloodstream, so it is another uncommon way of drug screening. The metabolites of THC can be detected in the bloodstream for up to seven days, while THC can be detected in plasma for up to five hours only.
Some states of the US do not have any tolerance for the detection of THC in blood. While other states where THC is legalized, it has a cut-off limit of 5 nanograms per milliliter (5 ng/mL).
Workplaces usually go with urine testing for the detection of THC, as it is a common method of drug testing.
Urine can have a detection window of 3 to 15 days. However, this largely varies depending upon how frequently THC has been used. If the concentration of THC is detected around 50 nanograms per milliliter (50 ng/mL), it can trigger a positive result.
Saliva testing is the least common form of drug screening. If a person has used THC, it may stay for 72 hours or longer in the saliva, depending on how frequently they take THC. Also, there is no standard for the cut-off limit. However, in 2017, a recommendation was put forth by the Journal of Medical Toxicology that suggests a cut-off value of 4 nanograms per milliliter (4 ng/mL). For understanding, one billionth of a gram is a nanogram.

Factors in CBD Oil Showing on Drug Screen
Cannabidiol (CBD) itself does not show up on the drug screen. It means you are completely safe if you take CBD supplements and CBD oil. The main ingredient that shows up on a drug test is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
CBD from topical products like creams and shampoos cannot enter our bodies. Thus, it cannot be detected in the blood or urine screening. However, other CBD products like gummies, tinctures, oil, and supplements are taken orally. Therefore, cannabinoids become part of our body system.
THC will only be detected if it is present abundantly in these products or if the person is overdosing on CBD oil. If taken as directed CBD products that contain less than 0.3% of THC, which is a federally legal limit, should not trigger positive drug tests.
How long is CBD detectable in urine?
Urine test is widely accepted and, at the same time, the most common way of detecting CBD at workplaces. The detection window of urine varies widely depending upon how frequently a person intakes CBD. However, an estimated detection window of CBD in urine is somewhere between 3 to 15 days from the last time CBD has been taken.
CBD research is limited, so we cannot say exactly how long it stays in urine. However, it is certain that dosage and frequency greatly influence the time CBD is detectable in urine. The metabolism of a person is another factor. If the metabolism process the CBD quickly, it is likely to be excreted from the body within three days.
Will CBD show on a probation drug test?
Drug tests don’t do screening for CBD. Probation drug tests look for THC only. If you frequently consume CBD with THC in it, it is likely to show up on the drug test.
Since CBD has no psychoactive effects and it does not cause the high, it is not checked in drug tests. THC is the major active substance that can cause the high. Therefore, it is screened in drug tests.
How long does CBD stay in your system?
How long your body stores CBD depends upon a number of factors. In different people, CBD stays for a different time period. Here are some factors on which it depends:
- Administration Method: If CBD is administrated by smoking or vaping, it will immediately show the effects. However, the effects of supplements and edibles will be delayed by one or two hours.
- Metabolism: CBD does not stay in water cells, as it is a fat-soluble substance. It is the Body Mass Index of a person that determines how long it will take to metabolize CBD. A person with more weight will have CBD in his body for a longer time.
- Dosage: A lot of CBD taken at a time causes it to stay in the body for a long time as it metabolizes slowly.
- Frequency of Use: If CBD is taken more often, it will stay in the system for a longer time.
How to Avoid a Positive CBD Drug Test?
By following some precautionary measures, you can avoid positive CBD drug tests and enjoy the benefits of CBD supplements at the same time.
Source of CBD: If CBD is derived from Marijuana, it is likely to contain THC in a concentration of more than 0.3%. This is easily detectable in a drug test. Therefore, check the product's label before purchasing and ensure that CBD is obtained from the hemp plant.
Look for Certain Terms: Do not forget to check the label for certain terms. Such as Lab-Tested, Organically Grown, NON-GMO, No Preservatives, CO2 Extracted, Ethanol Extracted, etc., these terms speak for the quality of the product.
Health-related Claims: Manufacturers are not allowed to make health-related claims. If any company does so, know that it is against the law and the product is probably not reliable in any form.
Do Your Research: Ask questions and do your own research on a certain company to ensure that the CBD you are going to take is coming from the right sources.
If you are concerned about CBD showing up on drug tests, don't worry. Drug screening does not test for CBD. Rather it is THC that shows up on drug tests that too when consumed in a large amount.